AGM Thank You

Apollo Bay Sailing Club b Propeller Guards

Ambulance Victoria (Apollo Bay Branch) b Vacuum Splints

Apollo Bay P12 College b FastforWord Program

This last Grant totalled $10,000 and enables the school to undertake a pilot program which will assist children who are falling behind in the curriculum.B Itbs an amazing program and for more information please contact Nicola Philp at the P12 College or go to This is the 13th year of operation for the Health Foundation and we believe, having established ourselves operationally, we are fortunate to have a number of new Trustees who will add extra vigour to our cause.B Our mission is to assist in building up the health and wellbeing of our community and the main reason we have been so successful in doing this to date is via our bBequestb Program.B For more information on the Health Foundation or the Bequest Program please ring Andrew Buchanan, Chairman of the Foundation, on 0419 315 181 or Ron Clark on 0418 343 424. Andrew Buchanan Chairman of Trustees Apollo Bay & District Health Foundation Inc.]]>

2012 AGM – Sat. 17th Nov @ 4pm

Annual General Meeting

4pm – Saturday, 17th November, 2012

Captains at the Bay 21 Pascoe Street, Apollo Bay

Our Guest Speaker this year is Nicola Philp from Apollo Bay P12 College.B She will be discussing the pilot progam FastforWord.B The Program is based upon recent research into the plasticity of the brain and ways in which the brain can be changed to improve functioning. We encourage you to join us at Captainbs at the Bay for our AGM followed by refreshments.]]>