Invitation to All Local Businesses

Apollo Bay & District Health Foundation has been appointed the preferred charity for this unique and iconic Festival. For the Health Foundation to be able to raise its profile before and during this event, the partnership and support of our local businesses is paramount. By visibly demonstrating your support for us, you are in turn assisting the Health Foundation to take a leadership role in improving medical and other health services for local residents and visitors. We would therefore like to invite your support in one or more of the following ways:

  1. Provide us with a supply of your businessbs promotional material/brochures for insertion in the bshowbagb which webre considering distributing to runners who raise funds for us ( It is important that your material provides an incentive or special offer to runners and their supporters, e.g. at 10% discount on purchases during the two-day event;
  2. Donate vouchers for your business to the Health Foundation, for use as incentives and/or prizes for the event;
  3. Make a cash donation to the Apollo Bay & District Health Foundation.
We hope that you will partner with us in this world-class event and, by doing so, help us to help our local communities. Please contact either Andrew (Buck) Buchanan (Ph: 0419 315 181) or Pamela Carey (Ph: 0407 816 899)]]>

'Thank You!' from the Carneys

Preferred Charity for the Great Ocean Road Marathon

The Apollo Bay & District Health Foundation

– Preferred Charity fo the Great Ocean Road Marathon –

The Health Foundation manages a public charitable trust fund to support, promote and protectB the health of the community of Apollo Bay and surrounding towns. The fundsB raised are returned, via grant applications, back to non-profit community organisations. Our financialB assistance is paramount to maintaining and improving health-related and associated facilities in our community. We have so far given to the local hospital (OHCS), aged care facility, ambulance service,B child care, kinder, school, CFA, local sports clubs and many more. This year, the Health Foundation has been appointed the Preferred Charity for the Great Ocean Road Marathon, which will take place on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th May. B We still have to compete for donations against many high profile charities.B We are just at the top of the list. This festival comprises 6 different events over the two days and attracts more than 5,500 runners from Victoria, interstate and overseas. We encourage you to become our partner in this very exciting event.B You can do this by:
  • joining our local team in the half-marathon, the “Bay Town Rollers”;
  • getting your own team together for any of the 6 events and raising money for our community;
  • volunteering to assist during the event; and
  • making a donation.
With strong community support we hope to be able to raise over $100k in the next couple of years.

B For more information, go to

Or visit our booth at the Seafood Festival on the Foreshore on

Saturday 22nd February 2014


GOR Marathon 2014

GOR-Button  ]]>

2013 Annual General Meeting

4.00pm – Saturday, 2nd November, 2013 at Captains at the Bay, 21 Pascoe Street, Apollo Bay We will be presenting grants this year to:

  • Apollo Bay Little Athletics
  • Otway Personal Development Inc.
  • OHCS
  • Apollo Bay CFA
The results of our extensive community survey along with some priority actions will also presented. Our Guest Speaker this year is Dr Jane Sklovsky. We encourage you to join us for the AGM followed by refreshments.]]>

Call for Grant Applications

  • Be a not-for-profit organisation.
  • The project must fall within the geographical boundaries of the AB&DHF.B The district can be regarded generally as extending approximately from Wye River through Apollo Bay to Lavers Hill and from the coast to a line drawn from Lavers Hill to Forrest.
  • Must fall within the charter of activities supported by the Foundation.
  • Important Note: When reviewing grants we give precedence to grant applications which have health outcomes as the primary objective b not as a secondary by-product of a project which has a primary objective other than health. To assist potential applicants to prepare their applications an information session will be held in the Boardroom at CJ Keane & Real Estate office on Saturday, 6th of July at 9.30am.B By attending this meeting applicants will be better able to ensure that their project falls within the areas of interest to the Health Foundation. Detailed grant applications must be submitted by the closing date of 31st July 2013.B Applications must be made on the AB&DHF Grant Application form supported by a detailed project description and costing.

    Charter of Supported Activities

    2013 ABDHF Grant Application Form (pdf)

    The Charter of Supported Activities, Grant Application Form and all other documentation may also be obtained by contacting Kerry McMahon, Secretary to the AB&DHF, on 0418 276 812 or Andrew Buchanan Chairman of Trustees]]>

    Bach by Candlelight – Chris Howlett in Apollo Bay on Fri. 3rd May

    ChrisChris Howlett will perform the Bach Cello Suites Nos 1 & 3 at St Aiden’s Anglican Church on Friday 3rd May 2013 Proudly supported by the the AB&DHF because of the amazing contribution by the Melbourne Piano Trio over the past couple of years at our Musical Evenings. Tickets $25 – available from San Oakley Flowers or online. All monies raised will assist Chris in his musical career.]]>

    Health Foundation 2013 Community Survey

    Help us identify the future health needs of the Apollo Bay district.This survey will help us guide the direction of the Health foundation by identifying the highest priority health needs in our community. We would like all potential users of our health services to fill out the survey, residentsb, visitors, holiday makers, travellers, uncles, aunties, family and friends. Invest 5 minutes of your time by clicking on the link below and completing our short survey. Please forward this on to all of your contacts.

    AGM Thank You

    Apollo Bay Sailing Club b Propeller Guards

    Ambulance Victoria (Apollo Bay Branch) b Vacuum Splints

    Apollo Bay P12 College b FastforWord Program

    This last Grant totalled $10,000 and enables the school to undertake a pilot program which will assist children who are falling behind in the curriculum.B Itbs an amazing program and for more information please contact Nicola Philp at the P12 College or go to This is the 13th year of operation for the Health Foundation and we believe, having established ourselves operationally, we are fortunate to have a number of new Trustees who will add extra vigour to our cause.B Our mission is to assist in building up the health and wellbeing of our community and the main reason we have been so successful in doing this to date is via our bBequestb Program.B For more information on the Health Foundation or the Bequest Program please ring Andrew Buchanan, Chairman of the Foundation, on 0419 315 181 or Ron Clark on 0418 343 424. Andrew Buchanan Chairman of Trustees Apollo Bay & District Health Foundation Inc.]]>

    An investment in the future